2020. Wow! Another decade to get it right…or mess it up! In
this up-tight, out-of-sight, all right world, where we see road rage,
impatience, anger, division, and assorted examples of human depravity, what
should we attempt to do in this year (and the years that follow)?
What a concept!
If you’re not attending church, why not find one and start
going? “But wait…” you exclaim, “…churches are filled with HYPOCRITES!”
Well, yes…they are! We are ALL hypocrites. All of us. Every single
one of us. No exceptions!
A church, where the Good News is
proclaimed, is a hospital for hypocrites! The ONE who brought the idea of
fellowship, love, forgiveness, sharing, and ULTIMATE sacrifice to the world,
gave His life so that we all could find the path beyond hypocrisy to the light
and truth.
Kindness is POWERFUL! When practiced properly, it is truly
selfless. As Paul said, it does not seek to be rewarded. It is not shared in
order to gain anything in return. That is hard for some people to grasp.
What? Do you mean that there is nothing in it for me? Why
should I be kind?
Simply stated, HE set the benchmark. HE illustrated in
thought, word and deed what it is to be truly kind. HE didn’t have to do this.
However, HE did this because HE actually loves YOU! HE seeks your company in
this mad, mad, mad world because HE wants your company in the next world!
This is the Great Secret revealed. Love is kindness
Thought for today: Kindness is strength.
It is not weakness. The truly kind are the strongest of all. Practice kindness
each day.
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