Thursday, February 28, 2019

I’m sorry, Dave

"I'm sorry, Dave..."

How soon will artificial intelligence (AI) become a reality? No one knows for sure. When will robots have the abilities of humans? Some may think they do now. The Alexa on your desk appears to be self-aware based on “her” answers to your orders. However, don’t ask her to make pasta or drive you to the store. Scientists are working on those things, too. Perhaps your smart home will make pasta one day. When programmers finally work out all the bugs, you may end up riding in the back of a self-driving car. Until they do, however, we’d rather walk or ride a bike.

Nevertheless, there are those who think we’re minutes away from AI. There’s one BIG problem, however. The human brain is light-years ahead of the robotic brain in ability. Yes, there are computers that can beat humans in a game of chess, but humans can do something that robots are incapable of: The human brain is predictive. Robot brains rely solely on programmed memory installed to make them operate in certain ways to do calculations and physical functions.

If they ever do build a robot that can actually think for itself, they will need to make sure it operates using Isaac Asimov’s many decades-old “Three Laws of Robotics.” For those unfamiliar with Asimov's Laws:

1.    A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2.    A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3.    A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Despite scientists' high hopes to the contrary, AI just comes up way short of taking over the world. To quote Hal 9000 in the movie 2001—A Space Odyssey, “I’m sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.”

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Biff "Brand"

My first hardcover book, The Revolutionists, is being promoted on many websites to build awareness of what my publisher refers to as the "Biff Brand."

More than a marketing strategy, my brand reflects the fact that I love to write, and I believe I have entertaining and inspiring stories to tell. My debut series of political suspense novels, The Stonebreaker Trilogy, is just the beginning of the adventure. Sevenhorns Publishing began publishing my books in 2014, and plans to continue into the future with many more books to come. Upcoming releases include the third Stonebreaker book, a children’s fantasy trilogy, a major blockbuster novel, and a short story collection. I'll also be publishing two novels about that "really fun guy," the Prince of Darkness!

The Revolutionists introduces Michael Stonebreaker, a military man who loves his country, his family, and the diversity of friends and freedoms he enjoys living in the United States. His father and grandfather before him fought for the principles he believes have led the US to unparalleled greatness. Now, in modern times, the stalemate between the dark undercurrent of dirty politics and useless public discontent has reached the breaking point. A secret organization known only as The Movement reaches out to him with an ingenious plot to save the nation. But their plan will shatter his ideals of loyalty and patriotism, and rock the United States to its Constitutional core. The Revolutionists draws back the curtain on the political agenda that has had a stranglehold on American government for the past hundred years, but the politics is just part of the story. The bad guys are really bad, the good guys are really good, and the political scene is right out of today's headlines. There’s so much going on you can’t help but get sucked in. American good guys, an evil plot to control the world, and a crazy plan to save it…the only thing missing is a solution to the Mexican border crisis—which happens in the next book!

The Reconstructionists picks up two years after the events of the first book, and following its outrageous plan to put the US government back in the hands of the people, The Movement is back in action. Along with American hero and “guy next door” turned president, Michael Stonebreaker, they set their sights on rebuilding the country. Starting with an explosive solution to the crisis on the border between the US and Mexico, The Reconstructionists is an action-packed sequel complete with an incredibly evil villain, Navy SEALs, United States Marines, a life-and-death battle, a horrific Death Machine, and, last but not least, a nuclear weapon! 

Speaking of new releases, watch for Priceless Words, a collection of 12 short stories I expect to be available in the spring of this year. Among them, read about the smartest man in the world, who is also a deaf-mute, so no one knows how smart he is, a magical bicycle that takes a broken-hearted boy on a ride he will never forget, and a billionaire who discovers how the other half really lives. Feast on the tale of a jealous neighbor who gives a whole new meaning to the words “baked goods,” and see who has the last laugh when a comedian steals a dream and ends up with more than he bargained for. I had lots of fun writing these stories, and I hope you'll enjoy reading them even more!

The "Biff Brand," is growing by leaps and bounds with you, my reading friends. Get your books today, and watch for new releases coming soon to a bookstore or a website near you!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Love or Hate: The Choice is Yours

Hate is a terrible word. We look around the world and we see hatred and strife everywhere. Hatred takes many forms. There is racial hatred, ethnic hatred, political hatred, hate driven by jealousy and greed, religious hatred, class envy expressed as hatred, economic hatred, generational hatred, and the horrendous hatreds of child abuse and slavery.

People hate other people because of their skin color, their physical appearance, their education level or lack of education, or because of their class or economic level in society. People hate other people because of their occupation, because they live in big houses or are homeless, or simply because someone gets in their lane and goes slower on the freeway.

America is being torn apart by hatred at this moment because of political viewpoints, and far too many in the media are fanning the flames of hatred daily to shock, anger and drive people to hate each other. They do so to sensationalize news stories, build ratings, and pander to what they believe to be their “loyal” TV viewers, radio listeners, and newspaper and magazine readers. Add to this the purveyors of Internet and social media content in general, and there is a whole lot of hatred spewing at us each minute of each hour every day.
We are given a choice to hate or to love one another. We are also given a choice to turn off the TV or radio, shut off the computer, and to ignore the newspaper or magazine and talk to each other.

Do you actively hate others because of politics? If so, that is terribly sad. We may disagree about how things should be run in government, but that should not keep us from maintaining our friendships and relationships with others.

Hatred should have no place in the mind of an intelligent human being. To love or to hate are choices we make individually, from the heart. No one is qualified to make that choice for us. Choose love. It is a far, far better way to live. Do not be a media pawn. Turn off the noise, shut off the images, and celebrate life. Hatred brings stress. Love brings peace. Which will you choose?

Friday, February 8, 2019

Blessed are the Peacemakers

The Stonebreaker Trilogy began with the first book in the series featuring Michael Stonebreaker, a military officer who is highly respected by everyone who knows him. He is a man of unquestioned ethics, tested in war and peace, who will become President of the United States. In The Revolutionists, Stonebreaker and a secret watchdog organization known only as The Movement  face the daunting task of returning America to a path of redemption, away from tyranny and destruction.

President Stonebreaker returns in The Reconstructionists to face a new challenge–that of healing the relationship with our southern neighbor, Mexico, once and for all. All the major players return in this fast-paced sequel to The Revolutionists, including the enigmatic Man Who Loved the Gulf and his equally mysterious cousin. The Man's adopted son, Rick, who nearly died at the hands of a monster in book one, leads The Man's private army to bring justice to the murderous cartel leader, El Diablo.

In an unprecedented covert operation, Rick and his team join Navy SEALs and Marines on a mission to destroy the horrible Death Machine beneath the cartel leader’s fortress. But what awaits them deep in the mountain hideaway is far more terrible and will indeed require the Navy SEALs and the Marines to save the day!

The first two books in The Stonebreaker Trilogy are available now in hardcover and ebook from your favorite booksellers. The series is a must-read for everyone who likes action, incredibly evil villains, and heroes willing to help save the world! Get started reading The Revolutionists today! Follow up with The Reconstructionists, and watch for more great books coming soon from Biff Price.