Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Priceless Words

“Extraordinary!” “Super!” “Wonderful!” “It hits it out of the park!” This may be a profuse use of adjectives, but it is appropriate for Priceless Words, the short story collection by Biff Price published by Seven Horns Publishing, NYC, NY.
Released late in 2019 in paperback, it has now been released in a hardback collector’s edition as an outstanding gift for everyone’s library.
In the collector’s edition, you will find the original full-colored covers designed by Jenn Hecker when many of the stories (not all) were released during short story month.
As handsome as the covers are, the stories within are extraordinary for many reasons: To quote:
“This short story collection deals with the smartest man in the world who is also a deaf-mute (Therefore, no one knows how smart he is!), a magical bicycle that takes a broken-hearted boy on a ride he will never forget, a billionaire that discovers how the other half really lives, a whole new meaning of the words “baked goods,” a mysterious giant of a man with no last name, a comedian who is anything but funny, and why it is important to make sure there is always enough fuel in the tank.
You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You’ll order pizza. (…or, maybe sandwiches?) You’ll tell your neighbors. You’ll spread the word. However, whatever you do, DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON in The Man Who Runs the World.
Some things are priceless, and this collection may be among them. However, this writer will never be priceless…unless I change my name.”
Hurry! Get your copy of Priceless Words in hardcover today. There’s a new sheriff (short story writer) in town. You’re going to enjoy it!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Kindness Exemplified

Kindness Exemplified

2020. Wow! Another decade to get it right…or mess it up! In this up-tight, out-of-sight, all right world, where we see road rage, impatience, anger, division, and assorted examples of human depravity, what should we attempt to do in this year (and the years that follow)?
What a concept!
If you’re not attending church, why not find one and start going? “But wait…” you exclaim, “…churches are filled with HYPOCRITES!”
Well, yes…they are! We are ALL hypocrites. All of us. Every single one of us. No exceptions!
A church, where the Good News is proclaimed, is a hospital for hypocrites! The ONE who brought the idea of fellowship, love, forgiveness, sharing, and ULTIMATE sacrifice to the world, gave His life so that we all could find the path beyond hypocrisy to the light and truth.
Kindness is POWERFUL! When practiced properly, it is truly selfless. As Paul said, it does not seek to be rewarded. It is not shared in order to gain anything in return. That is hard for some people to grasp.
What? Do you mean that there is nothing in it for me? Why should I be kind?
Simply stated, HE set the benchmark. HE illustrated in thought, word and deed what it is to be truly kind. HE didn’t have to do this. However, HE did this because HE actually loves YOU! HE seeks your company in this mad, mad, mad world because HE wants your company in the next world!
This is the Great Secret revealed. Love is kindness exemplified.

    Thought for today: Kindness is strength. It is not weakness. The truly kind are the strongest of all. Practice kindness each day.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

All Things New

All Things New

If then we say that all things are made new in this New Year, what do we mean?
Will our faith, hope and love be new – re-born at the stroke of midnight? Are we new…in our resolve to love Him, to take up our cross and follow Him, to fight the good fight, and to move on in our journey to the prize – our citizenship in His Kingdom?
Are we, as it is said in the world of men, new and improved?
Will our passage from one year to the next be a benchmark upon which we will look back and exclaim, “That was the moment I truly believed…the moment when I took up the mantle and stepped into a new life of love and service to Him and to others!”
Or, with the chime of the hour will we merely pass from one day into another without change or alteration…to continue as if there is no significance at all to this moment?
Man has made sundials, clocks and calendars to track the swift movement of the sun and constellations across the heavens…to measure out the days of life.
Do we stand at a threshold of a new thing? Do we choose to love Him with all our heart, all our soul, all our strength and our mind…and to love our neighbors as ourselves?
Or…do we continue unchanged with business as usual?
Here’s to the happiest of New Year’s…the choice is ours to make.
Copyright© 2012 – Biff Price