One of the
purposes of writing these blogs is to get all of us to think more deeply about
certain things, to deal with ideas that are sometimes profound in their
implications, and to examine our own place in the midst of our civilization.
Does that
sound a bit “heavy” to you? That’s because it is. You see, the survival of our
civilization depends on you and I holding fast to truth, maintaining the
highest values in our daily activity, being willing to take a stand when we see
things that are clearly wrong, teaching children good behavior and proper
manners, respect for others, and kindness -
and modeling those things ourselves.
At this
moment, our civilization is threatened because of the massive shift away from
truth and morality upon which the very foundations of our nation rest. The
divisiveness among our human organizations, people groups, political parties,
and generations is alarming, and the fires of anger and division are being
stoked by our so-called “leaders” to hate and despise each other, augmented by
a media that seeks spectacle, rage, and conflict among us.
Ronald Reagan said it best: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from
extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be
fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
What you and I do to
protect our freedom will help determine if the generations coming after us will
have a country worth living in. Stop following those who would mislead us. Turn
off the media (electronic, social, print, et al) and turn on your mind. Seek
truth…and you will find it.
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