Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Beginning of the End?

A not-so-funny thing happened on the way to national mediocrity. Yes, I said national mediocrity. In this “Everyone gets a trophy-just for showing up-world,” we have lost our way. In a world where masculinity is now toxic, children are free to choose their own gender, and we must provide so-called “safe spaces” where college and university students are free from the “micro-aggression” of conservative ideas, we have fallen down the hallucinogenic rat hole into a place where up is down, wrong is right, and misinformation is gospel.

This writer once believed that every red-blooded American male had a little John Wayne within him that would rise to the surface when challenged. Sadly, this does not appear to be true any longer. There are apparently millions who have turned their backs on the flag, the pledge, the song, and our history. We are a family with skin-in-the-game (an active member of the military), so you may understand why we take a contrary position to the so-called politically correct.

The America we love is dying. Socialists are taking over. Idiocy is running rampant. Can communism be far behind? Communism and fascism killed 100 million people in the 20th century. How many will they claim in the 21st century?

And yet, this is still the country to which people are drawn. Witness the caravans of people from central America who want to come here to live. Why do so many people want to come here? A generation ago they came seeking freedom. Now, far too many come seeking free stuff! Mediocrity never ends well. Its ultimate destination is always the ash heap of history.

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